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Please join FoodiEvangelist on Facebook!

I am not able to keep up blogging on wordpress anymore, but I share lots of interesting articles and ideas on my Facebook page. If you enjoy the topics in this blog, please click over and “like” FoodiEvangelist on Facebook. Thanks!

Miracles for Mommy

I was a really lucky mommy. My only trouble with breastfeeding was oversupply. I swear, I could hit a target across the room. My poor babies were a bit overwhelmed at times. I could have guessed it because I have extra mammary glands under my armpits, which make them stick out instead of in, so I suppose they’re not technically “pits” at all. But I digress.

Not all moms are as naturally, um, endowed. And I worried about supply with the rest of them, even when common sense, my mom, and everything else pointed to me doing just fine. So I drank a ton of Mother’s Milk tea (great iced when you have a baby in June during a 100-degree blitz). But I did not learn about the magic of lactation COOKIES until much later, after I’d finished nursing #1 (by #2 I knew I didn’t need the help…bummer).

Lactation cookie recipes have been floating around for a while now, but they are usually pretty daunting, full of ingredients that are not likely to be found in your pantry – or even in your local store. Plus, what sleepless, hormone-addled new mom wants to be freaking BAKING?!

Enter Miracles for Mommy, a site I just learned about today (and am not being in any way compensated to recommend). This genius lady is baking the lactation cookies FOR others! and then this saint of a woman mails them!! Direct service! Cookies to the door! And they boost the boob power!!

Win all around, says I. Even if, like me, you have no personal need for the benefits of the cookies, what a fantastic gift idea for that new mom down the block – one requiring nearly zero effort on your part, yet is homemade and helpful.

Check her out! She is also on Facebook.

How the Shutdown Affects the Hungry

How the Shutdown Affects the Hungry

A brief description of how the government shutdown is affecting hungry people in the US. I am especially saddened for the loss of the WIC program, which was so wonderful when we needed it.

As Jon Stewart put it, “Your kid doesn’t eat breakfast, that’s your problem. My kid can’t tour the White House? That’s everybody’s problem.”